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ElasTest featured at Voxxed Days Athens 2019


Voxxed Athens 2019 took place on June 7th-8th, 2019 at Technopolis and had the chance to attract the attendance of more than 600 people from 15 different countries. Two days with 4 keynotes and 25+ speakers, lots of workshops and 2 parallel tracks, each on different topics, including languages and frameworks, big data and cloud, future and AI, modern mobile and web development, craftsmanship and methodologies offered attendees the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity and learn new skills while enjoying the event and having fun!

Relational was a Gold Sponsor featuring ElasTest platform, a tool for helping developers to test and validate complex distributed systems. ElasTest platform is based on three principles, test orchestration, instrumentation and monitoring and test recommendation. A 15 minute presentation by Relational thoroughly explained that as demand for larger and more interconnected software systems is constantly increasing, the ability of developers to satisfy it is not evolving accordingly. The most limiting factor is software validation, which typically requires very costly and complex testing processes. The presentation pointed out how ElasTest aims at significantly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the testing process and, with it, the overall quality of large software systems.